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 Selection of blinds
2012-11-04 14:42


Blinds are a great ornament of our windows. We select them not only in color to the room, but we should also pay attention to the way their mount, depending on the objective to be met. On the market there are various types of blinds, such as blinds which are stuck – structure of windows is not affected, screwed directly to the window frame or wall above them.
With regard to the material you should know that blinds are available in different colors and patterns. You can select it into the room like the kitchen or the bathroom where blinds are especially good with waterproof materials, and in the kitchen with non-flammable materials .


Special rubber roller blinds do not let in light. They are not recommended for windows exposed to prolonged sunlight. High temperatures can cause rubber bulges.
Also popular are external blinds. Through their activity room can be completely darkened, they great shield against wind and heat loss. There are also blinds, commonly known as anti-burglary, with the bolts at the bottom, so you can attach them to the ground, which makes it difficult to open them. They can be controlled electronically or manually. It should be mounted in flats on the ground floor, they also became popular in stores.

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